January 2024 - New Year, New You, New Trends?


Something I pledged to do last year was to write more, blog more, share my thoughts and ideas beyond the Instagram grid.   So here goes! 

These ramblings are intended to be bitesize, a quick read, reflecting on my own experiences of the wedding industry and life events combined at the ripe old age of 41. 

To start  :  Wedding Trends 2024 
It's always fashionable at the start of the New Year to reflect on what was hot previously, what's not and what will be.  I read these and nod along and take some inspiration - but my biggest advice to all couples to be  :


Plan your wedding your way. Of course take stock of upcoming trends and create a Pintrest board.  But then put your own spin and personality into your day.

Believe me this can be really tricky - you'll be bombarded with lots of advice and opinions from family and friends and sometimes suppliers.  (Always this comes from a place of love especially where relatives are concerned.)

Take time to pause and go back to you as a couple and what's important to you. 
Bringing this back to the florals - what flowers do you love (wedding aside?)
Do you love fragrance? Colour? Lots of foliage? Do you have a family flower?
A flower that means a lot to you as a couple? First date flowers?
Flowers that remind you of your childhood? 
Or a loved one lost?

Not keen on flowers? That's fine too. Create the visual of the day based on your dreams and thoughts.  

Let me know your thoughts on Trends - I'd love to hear! 
Until next time, (where we'll be talking about budgets)
Catrin @ Stella Blooms 
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